Fed up with the useless lines present in SVG files, or with large sizes of SVG files? Or worried with
the transforms in SVG causing hindrance to animations?
Lean-SVG is a tool, which is being made to optimize SVG and flatten the transforms which are present
in SVG. This project is an experiment with Vue.js and SVGO.
First I would like to mention something 💖:
Great thanks to Jake Archibald,
whose SVGOMG code has been a
great help to make this project
And thanks to the Flatten code provided by Timo
in his gist
Thanks to the power of Vue.js and SVGO
💥 Keep in mind that the Flatten feature is experimental and works on paths. Text flatten is on the way.
❓ For more details go to this repo and ⭐️ the repo if you like it.